Project Description


Did you know that there are two types of patents? How can you make the most of your creation record? Ideiativa has all the solutions for you.

What is PATENT?

The process to obtain patent protection requires accurate technique that can overcome all steps of the procedure.

Ideiativa offers its clients a qualified structure to act in all stages of the patenting process, acting in:

• Search of patents in national and international databases;
• Preparation and monitoring of national patent applications;
• Knowledge of international treaties for the preparation and follow-up of international patent applications;
• Maintenance of patents for the period of validity;
• Performances in licensing agreements and transfer of patent rights;
• Judicial and administrative action in the resolution of patent disputes and disputes;


How to register? – Stages of the patent process


Before filing your patent application, Ideiativa suggests your clients to carry out a preliminary study of the novelty and inventiveness of the creation that will be presented to INPI. Although this study is not required, nor even required by the INPI, its results may be useful for patent writing to emphasize the really new aspects of creation, in order to obtain adequate protection and minimize the risk of Patentability.

FIRST STEP – Preparation and filing of the patent application before INPI

The preparation of a patent application involves the writing of a descriptive report, claims and summary, as well as the preparation of technical drawings and the preparation of the application and documentation for protocol according to INPI administrative rules. After these preparatory acts, the patent application is deposited with the INPI, initiating the process of patenting the creations.

SECOND STAGE – Publication of the patent application

The patent application is initially kept confidential. After this period the application will be published in the Journal of Industrial Property, INPI’s official publication body. There is also the possibility of requesting the advance publication of the patent application, thus speeding up the processing of the process. With the publication of the application, the opportunity exists for any interested party to offer subsidies to the technical examination (kind of manifestation that can be presented to contest the patent application or to give an opinion on the granting of the privilege).

THIRD STAGE – Technical examination request

The applicant must formally request INPI to examine its patent application (an opportunity to analyze the novelty, inventiveness, possibility of industrial application and the appropriateness of its object to the law).

FOURTH STAGE – Publication of the grant of the patent

After publication and with or without oppositions, INPI examines the application for registration, verifying the availability of the mark required and its adequacy to the law. Concluding for the possibility of granting the registration, INPI publishes the approval of the application in the Revista de Propriedade Industrial. From this moment begins the deadline for the payment of the federal fee corresponding to the validity of the registration for the first 10 (ten) years and the issuance of the certificate of registration.

SIXTH STAGE – Delivery of the patent letter

Once the fees due for the issuance of the certificate have been collected and after proper proof of payment has been obtained, INPI grants the license, closing the administrative process with its delivery.


The patent holder is subject to payment of an annual fee from the beginning of the third year of the filing date.


    Your company is
    Desired service


    Ideiativa provides services in all fields of intellectual property,
    adequate protection of their rights in matters related to:


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    Another quality service that Ideiativa makes available to you. Learn all about copyright and stay within all the rights you have and how you can use them.

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    Understand the entire software registration process before INPI and rely on Ideiativa to monitor the entire process and ensure certification.

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    Ideiativa provides advice and advice in the fight against anticompetitive practices and piracy, representing it legally and defending its interests.

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    Ideiativa acts in repressing the improper adoption of the corporate name of its customers by third parties, systematically monitoring new brand processes at INPI and before the Commercial Registry (JUCESP).

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    Our research is carried out with the INPI.



    +55 11 5841-3350 | +55 11 5844-1191



    de Mon. to Fri.
    9:00am – 6:00pm